I used the recipe from the new Mr. Boston Official Bartender's Guide, edited by Jim Meehan of PDT. It was good, but not as good as Audrey Saunder's version at Pegu Club. Mr. Boston's adds simple syrup, but looking at a snapshot I took of the Pegu Club's menu, I don't see them using a sweetener. I will try their recipe tonight. Two other factors that may change it slightly from Pegu's: I used Green Earl Grey tea, so I may not be getting the nice toasty flavor black teas have, and I only let it steep a few hours. The infused Gin I am using tonight will have steeped longer.
I had one of these at Pegu last Friday, perfectly made by Kenta Goto. I don't know their exact formula, but the menu says: Earl Grey infused gin, lemon juice, and a raw egg white.
Marmalade Whiskey Sour
I found this in the Food and Wine Cocktails 2007 guide. It comes from Bourbon & Branch in San Francisco. I picked up Polaner all fruit orange marmalade, just because it did not have added sugar, and the Shop Rite had no particular special import brands. It is a bit of a weak marmalade, so I am sure this cocktail would greatly improve with a more flavorful marmalade.
2.5 oz bourbon (Four Roses)
1 oz fresh lemon juice
3/4 oz simple syrup (Homemade demerara)
1 tsp orange marmalade (Polaner)
1 dash orange bitters (Regan's)
orange twist
Shake, strain into a cocktail glass, and garnish with twist.
The notes in parentheses are what I used, not recommendations by myself or the book.
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