Monday, August 10, 2009

19th Century - Japanese Variaton

Quick post. Concocted this when I sniffed my bottle of shochu and thought of how much like bananas it smelled. Which clicked off the idea of chocolate and banana.

Ni Ju Densha
2 oz Shochu
1/2 oz Lillet Blanc
1/4 oz Creme de Cacao
1/4 oz Lime juice
1/4 oz Gin
1/4 oz Raw Agave

Very tasty. Reminded me of something I'd find at PDT, flavorwise. Oddly, the flavor also reminded me of saké and pears. This fascinates me a little bit because 16+ years ago, as an uninformed 20-something, somehow the idea of saké and pear clicked in my head when I was visiting Brooklyn. It was a genius combo. Nowadays, it isn't an uncommon pairing.

I should note. For now, I am calling it the Ni Ju Densha. Which literally, though incorrectly, means, "19 Train." I am calling that for now as it is essentially a variation of the 1937 Twentieth Century Cocktail which was named after the new Twentieth Century Train.

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